VI. TATENA LEIDINIAI APIE PASIRENGIMĄ IR REAGAVIMĄ Į BRANDUOLINES IR RADIOLOGINES AVARIJAS - Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Involving the Transport of Radioactive Material, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-65, 2022 (anglų k.)
- Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Combined with Other Incidents or Emergencies, EPR-Combined Emergencies (2020), (anglų k.)
- Guidance for Medical Physicists Responding to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, EPR-Medical Physicists (2020), (anglų k.)
- Pocket Guide for Medical Physicists Supporting Response to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, EPR-Pocket Guide for Medical Physicists 2020, (anglų k.)
- Medical Management of Radiation Injuries, Safety Reports Series No. 101, 2020, (anglų k.);
- Operations Manual for IAEA Assessment and Prognosis during a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, EPR-A&P 2019, (anglų k.)
- Operations Manual for Incident and Emergency Communication, EPR-IEComm 2019, (anglų k.)
- Medical Management of Persons Internally Contaminated with Radionuclides in a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, EPR-INTERNAL CONTAMINATION 2018, (anglų k.)
- Arrangements for the Termination of a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, No. GSG-11, 2018 (anglų k.)
- Operational Intervention Levels for Reactor Emergencies and Methodology for Their Derivation, EPR-NPP-OILs 2017, (anglų k.)
- Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, No. GS-R-7, 2015 (anglų k.);
- Actions to Protect the Public in an Emergency due to Severe Conditions at a Light Water Reactor, EPR-NPP-PPA 2013, (anglų k.)
- Arrangements for Preparedness for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, No. GS-G-2.1, 2007 (anglų k.);
- Criteria for Use in Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, No. GSG-2, 2011 (anglų k., rusų k.);
- Actions to Protect the Public in an Emergency Due Severe Conditions at a Light Water Reactor, EPR-NPP PUBLIC PROTECTIVE ACTIONS, 2013 (anglų k.);
- Response and Assistance Network, EPR-RANET, 2013 (anglų k.);
- Communication with the Public in a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, EPR-PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS, 2012 (anglų k.);
- Lessons Learned from the Response to Radiation Emergencies (1945-2010), EPR-LESSONS LEARNED, 2012 (anglų k.);
- Planning and Preparing for Emergency Response to Transport Accidents Involving Radioactive Material, TS-G-1.2., 2002 (anglų k., rusų k.);
- Lessons Learned from Environmental Remediation Programmes, NW-T-3.6, 2014 (anglų k.);
- Method for Developing Arrangements for Response to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency - updating IAEA-TECDOC-953, EPR-METHODS, 2003 (anglų k., rusų k.);
- Preparation, Conduct and Evaluation of Exercises to Test Preparedness for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, EPR EXERCISE, 2005 (anglų k., rusų k.);
- Generic Procedures for Medical Response During a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, EPR-MEDICAL, 2005 (anglų k., rusų k.);
- Manual for First Responders to a Radiological Emergency, EPR-FIRST RESPONDERS, 2006 (anglų k., rusų k.);
- Dangerous Quantities of Radioactive Material (D-Values), EPR-D-VALUES, 2006 (anglų k., rusų k.);
- Response and Assistance Network, EPR-RANET, 2013 (anglų k.);
- Communication with the Public in a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, EPR-PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS, 2012 (anglų k.);
- Actions to Protect the Public in an Emergency Due Severe Conditions at a Light Water Reactor, EPR-NPP PUBLIC PROTECTIVE ACTIONS, 2013 (anglų k.);
- Lessons Learned from the Response to Radiation Emergencies (1945-2010), EPR-LESSONS LEARNED, 2012 (anglų k.);
- Generic Assessment Procedures for Determining Protective Actions During a Reactor Accident, TECDOC-955, 1997 (anglų k., rusų k.);
- Generic Procedures for Assessment and Response During a Radiological Emergency, TECDOC-1162, 2000 (anglų k., rusų k.);
- Generic Procedures for Monitoring in a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, TECDOC-1092.